Monday, April 18, 2011

Our First Group Meeting

This past Wednesday we had our first meeting as a group. It was great getting to meet all of the people that I will be traveling to Cambodia with. I really liked everyone and am really looking forward to getting to know them more over our next few meetings and while we travel throughout Cambodia. We talked a little about what we will be doing and who we will working with.

We will be working with a group of girls that have been given an opportunity to help their families break a cycle of poverty. Many of the girls come from economically challenged families that have gone to many depths to try and recover from the situation that they are in. We will be working with girls who have been taught to sew to make money for their families.

I also got our tentative trip itinerary. Here are the three cities that we will be traveling to and what we will potentially be seeing in each place:

Daughters House
Daughters Sewing Workshop (We will mainly be working here)
ByTavi Workshop
Alice Sien's
The Alley
The Island Church
The Killing Fields

The Culinary Training School
Rapha House
Bamboo Train

Angkor Wat

I am really looking forward to my experience with God, the people of my group, the people of Cambodia, and with the culture I'm going to learn so much about.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Baby Steps

Hello to everyone!! Sitting here designing this page makes me so unbelievably happy. In a few months I will be traveling to Cambodia with my church, Common Ground Christian Church, in order to serve God. I will be spending time with women and children who have been given an opportunity to turn their lives toward God through a variety of different vocational training and equipping activities. I can't wait to go!

I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and support. I have had quite a few donations to my trip costs in the past week and am so grateful! A special thanks to Hannah and Spencer, the Kaehr Family, and the Stucky family. You all have put me a few steps closer to my goal and a lot closer to the people of Cambodia.

I will be keeping this updated as much as I can throughout the next few months and hopefully while I'm in Cambodia. Keep checking back on the status of my progress. God bless!!