Sunday, April 3, 2011

Baby Steps

Hello to everyone!! Sitting here designing this page makes me so unbelievably happy. In a few months I will be traveling to Cambodia with my church, Common Ground Christian Church, in order to serve God. I will be spending time with women and children who have been given an opportunity to turn their lives toward God through a variety of different vocational training and equipping activities. I can't wait to go!

I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and support. I have had quite a few donations to my trip costs in the past week and am so grateful! A special thanks to Hannah and Spencer, the Kaehr Family, and the Stucky family. You all have put me a few steps closer to my goal and a lot closer to the people of Cambodia.

I will be keeping this updated as much as I can throughout the next few months and hopefully while I'm in Cambodia. Keep checking back on the status of my progress. God bless!!

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