Wednesday, June 22, 2011

And the countdown begins...

I've been dealing with a bunch of stuff recently. A bunch of really hard things. I've prayed and thought a lot about what I'm doing and I know that I really need the two weeks away to think about what's going on with my life. Lola is the light of my life and I know that she is always here but I need to figure out the rest of my life and being away in a different country where I can't just hop on my computer or hop on my phone will be a big help. I will get to spend a lot of time with the people in my group, with myself and with God.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Yielding to God

So I received a letter recently that told me that I should not go on this trip and that, as a mother, I needed to sacrifice my dreams for the well-being of my child. I was offended by this letter, but I was proud of the person for having the courage to send me the letter in the first place. I know others feel the way this person felt but were too afraid to actually say anything to me. The following are my feelings and response to the letter.

I know that every time I go on a mission trip overseas that I am going to be met with resistance or misunderstanding. Before attending church this past Sunday, I had really prayed about what I needed to do. It is never too late to back out of a trip like this. But then, Jeff, our pastor, spoke words from God that really touched my heart. He was talking about how much he liked to be in control (a characteristic that anyone who knows me knows that I have as well). He said that we must yield to God's will and give up our control in order to walk in His ways. I have yielded to God in this matter completely. Jeff also said that ignorance is what leads us to be afraid. I'm not saying the people that are afraid for me are ignorant. I'm saying fear of the unknown is a way for evil to do work in our hearts and minds. God has a plan for me in Cambodia and I know that whatever His will is will be done. He is going to work through me and in my heart.

My response to the letter I received is this:
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’" Matthew 25:40
I am going to be with the poor and sick and in doing that, I will be with the Lord and I will see his face in all of the women and children that I meet in Cambodia.

Friday, June 10, 2011

WOW!! Almost time!

I can't express how unbelievably grateful I am to all of the people that have helped me get to this point. Right now I only have $180 left to raise before I've met the goal of $3000. I have spent a lot of time praying about how I will make it there but I keep getting support from everyone around me. God has blessed me so much with an unbelievable support system.

As I sit thinking about how my two weeks will play out I think of what I'm going to do without my little baby bean for 2 whole weeks. The longest that I've been away from her is a 4-day weekend that she spent at the lake with Drew's family for Memorial Day weekend. We were in the same state and if anything had happened to either of us we could have been reunited in a matter of hours. It is about a 36-hour trip to Cambodia with numerous layovers and a lot of changing planes. I know down deep that God will take care of both of us, but I still have to wonder what it will be like to be gone from her. It makes me sad to think about, but I think about all the lives that I am going to be touching and how much of God's love I will be spreading and it makes the time of separation a little easier to bear. I chose to continue participating in vision/mission trips since I've had Lola because I want her to be raised with a spirit for sharing God's word and works while traveling and seeing all of His beautiful treasures and meeting all of His amazing people. Believe me I understand that a 17-month old can't understand why her mommy is gone for two weeks, but I hope one day she can look back on this blog and understand why I chose to make the journey. I know there are 10 young girls in Cambodia that I can get to know and share experiences with that will help me to always remain grounded in faith, which will only make me a better mother.

Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street. Lamentations 2:19

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I really need to learn how to blog...

So I am not very good at keeping up with blogging...about anything. I don't even really blog about my daughter like I used to. I just have too much going on that I want to spend every minute that I can with her. Well God has blessed me with coming very close to my goal of $3000 for Cambodia. I raised $1870 on my own, Common Ground granted me $750 in financial assistance. This only leaves me $380 away from my goal. I think in the next 2 1/2 weeks I can make it there. Just keep praying for me!!