Saturday, July 2, 2011

And we're off...

I’ll start with just a basic run down of my day just to make sure that I keep a good account for myself of what I’ve seen and experienced (mommy-brain has done a number on my memory so this is going to be the way I remember everything. Lol)

I woke up at 6am to get myself ready for the airport. Luckily my mom was gracious enough to wake me up because my normal alarm clock was sleeping and I know what an actual alarm clock does to her…crying, screaming baby (not good right before mommy leaves for two weeks). Seeing as I’ve been working overnights at my job recently, sleep has been at a premium and I was a lot slower moving than I normally am. For those of you that don’t know me very well, being on time is late for me. I like being there early. This is a result of the fact that my mom is ALWAYS late. We have to tell her an hour early for family functions to make sure she gets there on time. Apparently this morning I was channeling my inner-Trish. We ended up at the airport about 15 minutes late. This wasn’t a huge deal since my team was still in line to check-in. On the way there I got the typical “Go. Have a good time. And bring your butt back home!” These are the same words that my mom tells me every time I go on a trip, whether I stay in the US or not. She’s a paranoid fruit-loop but I love her!! Chris Alexander, the man that started the company Center For Global Impact that is essentially in charge of what we’re doing in Cambodia, made a point that it would probably be best if we were just dropped off at the airport, instead of having our family come in to see us off. I took his advice, which my mom didn’t like very much. She dropped me off and my trip had started. We did the typical check in, go through security and wait at the gate. The flight from Indy to Chicago was a quick one. We got to Chicago and had a pretty fun (not) time getting through security for the international terminal. It wasn’t nearly as bad the first time around as it was the second time. This was a strange international terminal given the fact that after you passed security and entered the terminal proper there were no restaurants or places to get food at all. We decided it was best to take turns going out to get our last American meal for the next two weeks. I was in the second shift since I wasn’t really hungry yet. We left the terminal to eat and as we were sitting there the line for the security checkpoint grew exponentially. I don’t think I’ve consumed a meal from McDonald’s that fast in my entire life. We got in line for security and it took FOREVER!!! We got through about 5 minutes before we started boarding. This was perfect since it made the lay over seem much shorter. Now we’re sitting here on the longest flight I’ll probably ever take in my life, just waiting and trying anything to keep our butts from going numb (mine is numb as I type). My day is going to be much longer but I figured I would blog about them separately as if I actually got to go to bed and wake up like a normal person.

I’ve done my fair share of traveling, but the circumstances were a bit different than they are now. Before I was footloose and fancy-free. This time around, I have a small child to consider. In planning this trip I knew the day would come that I would actually have to get up and go, but it came a lot faster than I thought it would. As I sit here on the 13 and a half hour flight from Chicago to Seoul, South Korea, I think about my beautiful baby girl playing at home. It’s 7pm Indy time so she’s probably playing outside with my mom if the weather is good and getting ready to go to bed in a little bit. I miss her already. Luckily she’s at an age where she’ll miss me but she won’t really be cognoscente of what’s going on and she probably won’t remember it. I feel like it’s easier for me to take these trips now because she won’t really remember, but that doesn’t make it any easier for me. I know that God has put me on this trip to do His work and meet His people, but it’s also going to be a trip for me. A trip where I can look into myself and really find out about myself and what I want for my life. God has a plan for me and I just need to start looking in the direction that He is leading me. Well for now I have nine hours left to think about that. Until tomorrow…

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