Saturday, July 2, 2011

More airplane food than you could ever eat

I knew when applying to be a part of this group that the journey would be a long one, but man I didn’t realize how my body would feel and the journey isn’t even over yet. I’m sitting on our last flight from Seoul, South Korea to Phnom Penh, Cambodia typing this on Microsoft Word to post later. I’m sick of studying and needed something else to do so I figured I would just go ahead and type this out.

This has definitely been a test of my patience. I haven’t lost it yet, which is pretty typical for me since I have such a short fuse. The only time that I got kind of annoyed was when the gentleman that was my row mate on our 13 ½ hour flight decided to spend most of his time drinking beer and burping. I guess I should be a little more accurate, he was belching. I could hear it over the movie I was watching. It was craziness. Other than that it has been a pretty smooth trip. We thought we were going to have to get our luggage in Korea and go through customs there but we ended up just having to go through a transfer counter and didn’t have to mess with luggage. The Seoul Airport is beautiful! It was great getting to walk around and stretch. I still have ankles at this point, a little fatter than usual, but at least they haven’t become straight up “cankles”. My feet still fit into my shoes! Now we’re on the last leg of our really long journey and I can’t wait to get there to get a good night’s sleep. I’m pretty sure I’ve fended off any jet lag by sleeping at the right times and making myself stay awake even when all I wanted to do was sleep. I’m ready to take on Cambodia!

Me, Jessica and Mallory excited to be in Cambodia finally.

The whole team together (from left): Joni, Jen, Marybeth, Brandi, Joe, Nichole, Josh, Jason, Melissa, Me, Jessica, Mallory

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