Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Constant Dichotomy of This Country

This morning we went to the Island Church. It was a completely different experience from the New Life Church we went to last Sunday.

The boat that we took to the island.

The Island Church.

It was much more traditional than the other church. We were a little late because we got a late start and then the drive to the church was pretty long. We had to take a boat across the river to get to the church. I really thought the boat was going to tip over. When we got there the church was full, but the Cambodians made room for us so we could sit inside the church. They are such an unbelievably hospitable people. No matter what they want us to be comfortable and taken care of. We did a lot of worship, all in Khmai, which was pretty interesting. There was another group from the United States that was there at church with us. Each of our groups had to get up in front of the church and introduce ourselves and then we sang a song. We sang “Amazing Grace”. I absolutely love that song! Then the leader of the other group gave the sermon. I didn’t agree with the message that was conveyed. It was about what you would need to do in order to be loved by God. I feel like we need to love everyone, no matter what. Jesus loved us all regardless of our background. There are no strings attached for God’s love. The speaker didn’t convey that message very well. After that we took a tour of the island.

One of the babies on the island.

I thought I was hot the other day, but today was way worse. We were so hot that I didn’t think I would ever survive. We didn’t really know why we were walking around the island either. It was nice seeing the countryside, but it was just so very hot. When we got back to the church it was time to load the boat and head back into town. We went to Sorya, their version of a mall. It was very overwhelming. It is a 5-story building with different things on each floor. The top floor was a skating rink and a movie theater. The fourth floor was a restaurant and the food court. The third floor was bootlegged DVDs and CDs, as well as other electronics. The next floor down was shoes and purses and the first floor was cosmetics and some clothes. It was a very interesting experience. We had lunch at a pizza place on the fourth floor. I looked at the shoes, but nothing was really worth looking at for longer than a quick glance. After lunch, we took a ride in a tuk tuk to the "Russian Market".

Me and Clarissa on the tuk tuk on the way to the Russian Market.

Me in the market.

It was a lot like a black market in the US. There were stalls of goods everywhere. I did the last of my shopping there. The walkways were small, with young children sleeping on blankets in the entryway of some of the stalls. We all had to barter for the best prices. It was a lot of fun, even though it was hot and the stench of sweat and rotting food overwhelmed my senses. Overall, it was a pretty good experience. Then it was finally time to go back to the hotel and rest a little bit. We ate dinner at the hotel and had a very nice team meeting.

I am connecting a lot with my team here. They are all so unbelievably understanding and so helpful. None of them judge me for the candid nature with which I talk to them. We have all opened up a lot to one another about our struggles in our own lives, here and when we're back at home. We spent our team meeting talking about how we were processing things and how we were feeling about all of the things that we have seen and done here. I have had a very hard time trusting in God and trusting in my group that they will not judge me for the things that I share or the opinions I express. But God has proven to me that I can trust in those around me and that surrounding myself with other people that truly know God or seek to know God is something that I truly need in my life. This trip came at a perfect time for me! It is giving me a break from my normal routine to realize what it is that is truly and deeply important to me and what steps I need to take next on God's path for my life.

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