Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time for Travel

In all honesty, I'm not ready to go home. I'm ready to see Lola, but I'm not ready to leave the beautiful people that I have met here and the amazing country of Cambodia. We actually had a pretty full day here today. After breakfast we traveled to the Russian Market to do some last minute shopping. I had just a few more things to get. That doesn't necessarily mean that I had the space for them, but I got them anyways. While we were in downtown Phnom Penh, we ate at a cute little cafe that looked more like it should be found in the middle of Europe than in the middle of Cambodia.

Joni and I at Cafe Yejj.

It was a very nice lunch with fellowship and jokes. After lunch we made our way back to the hotel to finish packing and just relax. It was definitely my nap time. Knowing that the next two days will consist only of sleeping on planes or airport benches, a bed seemed like a pretty good idea. The group shared one last real meal together, which ended up being pretty funny. Nicole and I ordered the exact same thing, as did some other people in the group. We had ordered ours first, but our order went to the other table. This was all well and good until Nicole got her plate and it was most definitely not fried rice with chicken. It looked as if it were fried rice with ham lunch meat. The raisins that were mixed in didn't quite help the situation either. We ended up scavenging off other people's leftovers. I ended up fairly full given my lack of an entree. Now it was time to pack the bags into the van and be on our way. On the way to the airport, Mary Beth "MB" Kohart decided to grace us with one last set of songs over the mic. We sang a bunch of show tunes with some classic 80s mixed in. The great part about it was that we only knew a verse or two and the chorus. Let's just say we made it through her "set list" and more in the time we were on the bus. After going through check-in and security, we made our way to the sugary, sweet goodness that was waiting for us on the other side...DQ! Who would've thought there would be a Dairy Queen in the Cambodian airport, but there was and it was great!

Me with my Cambodian small Blizzard. In Cambodia everything is actually portioned correctly instead of our huge American wonder they are all so tiny here!

Soon we boarded the flight and were off. Now I'm sitting in the Korean airport waiting for the longest leg of our journey to begin...the 13 hour flight from Seoul to Chicago. Oh joy! But on the other end of this trip is my baby girl and my family waiting for me!!

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