Friday, July 22, 2011

My First Experience with Frustration

So I'm sitting at my aunt's house and I find myself a bit frustrated. As my group knows, I met with quite a lot of resistance when I told people that I wanted to go on a vision trip to Cambodia. There were two people that didn't want me to go and verbalized it when others kept their silence. My aunt was one of those people (apparently being an aunt makes people a little more protective or opinionated since it was my great-aunt that sent me the letter that I blogged about earlier). I walked into my aunt's house and I looked her in the eye and said that I made it home in one piece. She looked at me and said, "I don't care to hear anything about it." I just sat in shock and a little bit of anger. Questions began racing through my head: How can a family member not wonder how my trip went and what I did? How can someone hide from what is going on there?

I guess the fact that people can't face the truth really makes me wonder about the human condition. Maybe I am an inquisitive person who just likes to know what's going on in the world. Maybe I'm overly concerned with women's and children's issues. Maybe I'm a person that likes to help in situations that I might not ever see the end to. Some might say that I am fighting an uphill battle. I would look them in the eye and say, "Yes I am but so was Jesus. I am not going to turn away from what God calls me to do because it is a difficult journey." I want people to know what's going on in Cambodia. I want people to know the atrocities and crimes against humanity that are occurring there. People need to know and not just turn a blind eye to what's truly going on. If people hide from the truth, then nothing will ever change.

So to all you ostriches out there, pull your head out of the sand and look around. You might not be able to change the world for everyone, but I can assure you that there are plenty of beautiful people out there that you CAN make an impact on. I've been there and I can tell you that there are a handful of beautiful young, women who could use some support and love. Listen to God's call for you; I promise you he doesn't want you to just sit on the sidelines of life watching. He wants you to be a contender in the game.

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